我院谢海波教授课题组在《Green Chemistry》期刊上背靠背发表封面论文研究成果



近期,贵州大学材料与冶金学院高分子材料与工程系谢海波教授课题组在国际绿色化学权威期刊《Green Chemistry》(一区,IF=9.4)发表了题为“Introducing the Tishchenko Reaction into Sustainable Polymer Chemistry”的研究论文,第一作者为我院2017级硕士研究生仁天华,指导老师谢海波教授、陈沁副教授,并被主编推荐为后封面论文。文章工作历时四年时间,首次报道了将季先科反应成功应用于可聚合单体的合成,制备了新型含有羧酸酯官能团的二烯烃单体,再利用温和的巯烯点击聚合和非环二烯易位聚合方法,可控合成高分子量的的系列新型生物基聚酯,并对聚酯做了后改性研究。本研究提供了聚酯合成的新思路、新策略,为生物质高效利用,生物基合成高分子新材料的分子设计、可控制备及应用,提供了重要的理论依据和技术参考。审稿人一致认为论文具有非常重要的科学价值和应用前景。“This is a strong paper with the potential to lead to significant further research and subsequent industrial use of bio-based starting materials in the preparation of significantly more sustainable polymers than their petrochemical-based alternatives. Aside from a few minor grammatical errors which should be corrected before publication, I recommended acceptance by Green Chemistry”,“The manuscript presents the preparation of α,ω-diene functionalized carboxylic ester monomers by combined Williamson and Tishchenko reactions using renewable starting materials. It also demonstrates the preparation of poly(thioether esters) and unsaturated polyesters from the monomers. The scientific merit of the paper is very high. I highly recommend it to be published without any correction”。


1 含羧酸酯结构二烯单体的合成路径。

2 巯烯点击聚合及后氧化。

3 非环二烯易位聚合及后氢化。

